lundi 26 octobre 2015

Parole de cinéastes : Joe Swanberg

"For better or worse, I am from a generation that very much wants to consume and reconsume its own shit. . . . Unfortunately, what happens to my generation is, we don’t just watch Breakfast Club two times while it’s in movie theatres. We watch Breakfast Club sixty-nine times between the age of twelve and twenty-five, and we convince ourselves that The Breakfast Club is a genius movie. You have this wrapped up nostalgia and regurgitation and overconsumption of mediocre shit. It is a bad direction that our culture is going in. And I directly tie that to the video store. We had every movie ever made available to us to freeze-frame and scroll through and totally overanalyze. Movies aren’t meant to be held up to that level of scrutiny. Most aren’t. The ability to know and study every shot of a movie until you know it by heart is not necessarily great. Not like being inspired by something and making your own art from it. It becomes heady and intellectual rather than emotional. You actually remember them better if you sort of misremember them"

Richard Brody dans sa critique parue dans le New Yorker, citant un extrait du livre  "I lost It at the Video Store : A Filmakers' Oral History of a Vanished Era" de Tom Roston. 

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